Thursday, April 19, 2012

3rd Wednesday....

Yesterday was the third Wednesday of the month....

What is the meaning of that?

It was my book club day!

This is a day I look forward to each month.

We meet and discuss books....
we all seem to have a different take on the same book....

This month's selection was 

I do enjoy a Dickens book....
he is so descriptive in his writing.
I like that but some people 
find it annoying.

Have any of you read this?
If so, what are your thoughts?

Nicholas was an unique character!

Happy Reading, my friends!

No entertainment is so cheap as reading,
nor any pleasure so lasting.
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu


Unknown said...

it's for me to get a cup of tea and sit down to read about Nicholas now! Thanks for reminding me about Dickens books.

Bassetmomma said...

I haven't read this Charles Dickens book and need to put it on my list for sure! Your book club sounds fun. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i do agree 100 % with No entertainment is so cheap as reading,
nor any pleasure so lasting. but Dickens is not to my taste. i need to find a book club that reads only thrillers and mysteries. i like books and movies that have action and things that go boom.

Sketching with Dogs said...

My eldst son loves Dickens and he was a wonderful writer.
Lynne x

Stewey said...

I haven't read any Dickens, but I have read the label of contents on the box of my favorite dog treats :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have not read Dickens, but have been watching the series on PBS. We watched Great Expectations and loved it, were really surprised because we did not know the story. When I was younger, I used to belong to about twelve book clubs, can you believe it? The kind where if you joined them, they would send you six books for a dollar or whatever. The offer to join was just great, but then you usually had to buy at least four books a year and the postage really pushed the price up.

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Beth...well I might have read in in 11th Grade Literature class. My teacher that year was Mr. Hamlet...LOL..and as you might guess from his name. He was a big fan of all literature.
I bet you do enjoy your reading club.
Hugs C

yeewittlethings said...

I always wanted to be part of a book club! They sound so fun :) I love Charles Dickens, but have honestly never heard of that book! Will have to keep my eyes open for it :)


JC said...

That's cool. I must say that I've never done that. Course reading now is not my thing but I so enjoyed a nice Summer day under a tree just living whatever was on the pages.

(my eyes are fuzzy since my coma so I don't read for too long)

The Army of Four said...

A Tale of Two Cities is my fave by Dickens. Loved it!

White Dog Blog said...

Denjoy the power of Dicken's writing but Nicholas Nickleby is not one of my favorites. Tale of Two Cities is oft read in our home. Book clubs are wonderful; to me anytime a group gets together to share thoughts and interpretations and ideas is a great time!

Diana said...

Beth, your book club sounds fun. I havent read that book, it int really my taste. I do like to read some good books, even if they are just craft books!! Ha!


Chatty Crone said...

Do you meet with a bunch of girls - that sounds like fun. sandie

Rouky said...

Reading is such a great pleasure for me too. I wonder: do you only read paper books or have you started reading on your iPad?

JacksDad said...

I did try Nickleby, but I failed miserably!