Thursday, April 26, 2012

Teddy Bear....

I love teddy bears....

I have made many bears over 
my life time and made clothes 
for them and displayed them in my home.
Where are they now?
Not sure....
I am certain they are making
someone happy somewhere.

We have moved many times and each time 
I seem to down size more and more.  
I guess I just don't like packing....ha ha!

My favorite word....
(this is hanging in my studio so I don't forget....)

I have kept some of my art....
I don't know why I keep what I keep....
maybe they are my favorite or 
maybe it's just my mood at that time.

Today I am going to share one of my favorite bears.

I made this little panda bear a few years ago....

Wave to everyone, Mr. Pandy....

He was fun to make.
He is jointed so he can be positioned.
I used felt for the paws and glass eyes.
A nice furry fabric for the body.
Stuffing and weighted pellets on the inside.

This is his back....

As I made him he seemed to come to life.

Strange how you take all of the above items -- 
do a little cutting and sewing -- 
and all of a sudden you have a cute little bear.

It is fun to create something 
that can make you smile....
A friend that will always be there 
when you need them....

Say good bye for now, Mr. Pandy....

Bear hugs to all!


The artist's world is limitless.
It can be found anywhere, 
far from where he lives 
or a few feet away.
It is always on his doorstep.
Paul Strand


My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Beth you and my daughter need to get together. She is 100% Bear lover. I still have 2 of her oldest buddies here at the house. One is a very large Panda. She named him Biggie and we have a really cute Gund Bear-girl dressed in a purple skirt and gold sweater, which were her high school colors. About two years ago while on vacation she went to Build a Bear that visit resulted in a Paddington Bear.LOL
Love your post

The Furries of Whisppy said...

I love stuffed animals. I have collected so many over the years (I have no idea how to make them) and since everyone of them has a story, I could never part with them...
Bye bye for now, Mr Pandy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are the most talented person i know, this is incredible. and with your talent if your ever need money you could make a fortune selling these on ebay. he is beautiful and special. you have so many talents, spinning and writing and now making bears. so i assume you can make your own clothes also.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i dont have any bears or dolls now, but when i got married in 1962 i had so many i could not move them to our aparment. my room was buried in them. i left most of them behind and then years later we donated all of them.

Unknown said...

Rosie loves stuffies! She doesn't like Barbie since young and the only Barbie doll that she had was her one year old birthday present. She pulled one of the legs off the doll within an hour and that's the end of having Barbie. However, she has so many stuffed toys, from bears, cows, sheep, Winnie the Pooh and his friends and dogs and etc. Everyone has a name and she still remembers all the names. They are all residing in her bedroom and wardrobe but there is no way I can sneak out anyone of them for any other kids.

Stewey said...

Oh my dog - you are sooooo talented! That bear is adorable!

Stewey said...

Oh my dog - you are sooooo talented! That bear is adorable!

Millie and Walter said...

Mr. Pandy is adorable! I remember when I was little there was a book I had with photographs of a little bear doll and a girl doll and they had some adventures on a farm. I can't remember the name of it. I think you could photograph Mr. Pandy having all sorts of adventures, like riding on Remington's back!


Kathy said...

Beth, you are an amazing artist!
I have sewn lots of things, but I wouldn't even attempt to make a teddy bear!
All that fur flying when you cut the fabric! LOL
But Pandy is so cute, I'm glad you still have him!
That's a lot of work to make him sit or stand up nicely and be jointed,too!

Tough challenge to "Simplify" with so many projects running around in our heads!
Bear hugs back to you!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Our human sister was a big fan of Boyd's Bears, but there is such a personal touch to making your own. we love Mr. Pandy. Guess we aren't surprised by your love of teddy bears. Remington sure makes one loveable teddy bear.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Mr Pandy is lovely, he has the sweetest face.
Guess what, a long time ago I made some jointed bears but I only have one left. I will have to put him on our blog sometime.
Lynne x

Chatty Crone said...

Awe I love that Teddy Bear - you made him? I am not surprised.

And I tell you the truth - there is something in aging that makes us want to downsize.

Love,s andie

The Army of Four said...

Mr. Pandy is ADORABLE!!! He is so full of expression!

Duke said...

Mr. Pandy is adorable and you are a very talented lady, Beth!

Diana said...

That is such a cute bear Beth. You did a great job. I love sewing and making things. I have a stuffed dog that I want to make so this motivates me to get with it, LOL


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, he is just adorable! And looks like something you would find in a fancy boutique and pay lots for. But even better, because this one was made with lots of love.

Bassetmomma said...

That panda bear is so cute and impressive. Even the fact that you made him with moving joints! It is the perfect looking bear!

yeewittlethings said...

Omg!! That bear is simply adorable, I can't believe you made him! Is there any end to your talents?? ;)


Bailey Be Good! said...

Bearsss!! How cuuute!! You can do so many things -- you're so creative! :)

Woofs & huggies! <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

White Dog Blog said...

The most rewarding part of any creative endeavor, I think, is when all of the bits and pieces fit together and forms its own "being-ness."

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm convinced there are no end to your talents!

Thanks for sharing them with us!