Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pen and Ink

To start I would like to wish 
my daughter-in-law,
a very Happy Birthday!

I have been thinking and for now I plan
to post Tuesday and Thursday's....
I will have to see if I can come up with
enough things to talk about....
so good!

Pen and Ink....

I enjoy learning....

When we moved to Minnesota our
neighbor, who was an 80 year old
lady and an extremely talented artist,
showed me the Pen and Ink that she 
had done.  I was impressed!
I never had known anyone 
with that interest.  
I had asked her if she would 
teach me and she said no.  
She said it was better to just 
give it a try and develop my own style.  
So I did....
I did some research online on
what I should do....bought a book....
and thought I might as well just DO IT!

This was my first attempt....
I don't do a lot of drawing....
but when I do I find it very relaxing....

Here are a few others I have done....

What I like about it is that I can
 pick it up my sketch book 
whenever I feel like it....
I usually find things I want 
to add and of course things I wish I
had done different....
I haven't tried to draw people or animals yet.
I just like buildings and landscapes....
for now....

Like they say --
and I realize I have quite a bit of 
practicing to do....but it certainly is fun!

Enjoy your blessed day, my friends!


I'm too blessed to be stressed!!!!
The way to happiness:
keep your heart free from hate,
your mind from worry,
live simply,
expect little, give much. 


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Ummmmm, you've never seen my 'masterpieces'

They are require labels to identify what they are supposed to be ;-)

I bet Khyra would actually sketch much better!

Thanks for sharing your work!

Furry nice!

Khyra's Mom

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Those are very nice drawings, Beth. I love to watch people draw. They make it look so effortless! Can't wait to see you draw animals. :)

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Beth...oh my goodness you are a lady full of hidden talents and creativity!! Your pictures are GORGEOUS!! I can't draw a straight line with a ruler!!

B used to dabble in pen and ink but his true love is O scale model trains.

Happy Birthday to Bailey and Trevor's wonderful Mom Christy!!

Bassetmomma said...

OMG! Beth I think those are great! That first picture, for your first attempt is amazing and I hope you have it framed! You are very gifted. :)

Happy Birthday to Christy!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to Christy!

I love your pictures, they are marvellous! I always admire people who can draw and knit; everything seems so easy and beautiful and I do hope I can do anyone of them. You're so talented, Beth!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ditto everything Madi's mom said. who knew you had all this talent, so glad you decided to share it with us. I love the house. and all you did was just decide to do this? wow.

Sketching with Dogs said...

I love pen and ink drawings!
I have done a couple myself and they are really enjoyable. The good part is, it doesn't matter if your hand wobbles, it just gives the sketch more character.
Those are great Beth, keep it up!
Lynne x

Kathy said...

Beth, I think you draw in pen & Ink very well! Lots of details!

I haven't sketched in years! Maybe I should pick it up again. You're an inspiration!

Funny after 30 years of accounting I also wanted to do lots more crafts now that I'm retired! :)
May you have a Blessed Day, too!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You are very talented! I pick up a pen and usually find it's out of ink. Probably a good thing because no one would ever recognize anything I might try and draw.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Beth, I am just flabbergasted!!!! These are wonderful! And your first attempt looks just as good as the others to me, you have a natural talent. They are so professional, do you sell them? And do you use models, or are the drawings all in your head? About the posting, if you are like me, the longer you have this blog the more you will find to say!

KZK said...

Beth, those are just beautiful! I especially like the church; the sky/clouds you drew add so much depth!

Duke said...

Your pen & inks are gorgeous! They remind me so much of Eric Sloane's work. He's one of our favorites!

yeewittlethings said...

Wow, you are so talented! I would love to be able to draw like that. My hubby is pretty good at drawing, but I'm very limited lol. I love your pictures and you should frame them! And Happy Birthday to your daughter in law! :)


White Dog Blog said...

You have a lovely style. Your work reflects the calm enjoyment that passes through your pen to the paper...never give that up, it makes the piece feel genuine.

Ms. ~K said...

Beth, you are GOOD!
Happy Easter!

Rouky said...

Beth, you really are talented! Pen and ink is one of my favorite form of art. It reminds me of old children's books.
I love your peaceful drawings. They have an instant calming effect.
Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family!

verobirdie said...

I think you are very talented. Those lanscapes are beautiful.
I dare not draw/paint very often, because I don't know how.
I'm following one Alisa Burke's course right now, and found out it is very relaxing. I share your feeling on that part.
Happy Easter to you too

Bailey Be Good! said...

You're really GOOD!! Mommy says she hasn't drawn in pen and ink in YEARSSSS! She says she also hasn't drawn anything on scratchboard, whatever that is. ;)

Love to see your work! :)

Woofs & huggies! <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)